How Is a Bone Density Test Done and What Should I Expect?

How Is a Bone Density Test Done and What Should I Expect?

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is an imaging procedure used to measure the density of your bones. Bone densitometry testing is predominantly performed to assess the risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by low bone density, which produces an increased risk of fracture.

How Long Does a Breast Aspiration Take To Heal?

How Long Does a Breast Aspiration Take To Heal?

A breast aspiration is one of the most common methods used to assess a fluid-filled cyst within the breast. During this procedure, a small amount of fluid or breast tissue is removed and examined to see if cancer cells are present. While about a vast majority of breast cysts are not cancerous, breast aspirations provide the information needed to determine the next best steps.

What is Women’s Imaging?

What is Women’s Imaging?

Women’s Imaging encompasses a range of diagnostic and interventional imaging tests and services designed to meet the specific health needs of women. As technologies have improved, so have screening, diagnostic and treatment modalities for a host of diseases and disorders. Of foremost interest and importance to most women are the following …