Meet Interventional Radiologist Dr. John S. Scales


In addition to subspecializing in Diagnostic Radiology, John Scales, MD is also a Vascular and Interventional Radiologist, providing evaluation, diagnosis and minimally invasive therapeutic treatment for a variety of vascular and non-vascular conditions. Dr. Scales responds to questions about radiology today.

Q: What inspired you to go into Radiology?

I more or less found my way into Radiology with multiple influential mentors and chance meetings: listening to Dr. Enrique Palacios elegantly describe neuroanatomy during ENT resident conferences; learning the ropes during cases with Dr. Caridi; and learning the art of radiology during residency with numerous great radiologists in my training program. I was fortunate to learn from so many brilliant doctors.

Q: What do you find most challenging in this field for you, specifically today?

The most challenging aspect is deciding where I want to hone my skills. Radiology is a large field of medicine, even though many may perceive it as a small part. I do both diagnostic and interventional work and it is important to improve both skills. Even in the field of Interventional Radiology, there are things I am constantly improving upon.

Q: What are you hoping to see in the future of the industry?

I’m looking forward to portability and patient ownership of images, which is coming soon. Having to use a disc is antiquated. You should be able to go into any healthcare facility and have them access your images. It would be a huge benefit to both patients and radiologists, as we would have a patient’s prior images, which helps us immensely. This advance is currently in progress, and I’m excited about that. It will provide a big improvement in care.