Meet MSK Subspecialist, Dr. Edson G. Cortes

RAO Board-certified Radiologist Edson G. Cortes, MD is fellowship-trained in Diagnostic Radiology, Musculoskeletal and Body MRI, for rapid and accurate assessment and diagnosis of damage, injury, arthritis, infection and other issues related to bones, joints, cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal disks and nerves. Here he answers some key questions about his vocation.

Q: What inspired you to go into Radiology?

I was introduced to Radiology during my last year of medical school, and immediately felt drawn to pursue this specialty. The need to be detail-oriented, and yet be able to see the big picture, was something that connected with me. Not only is each case different from the last, but as a radiologist, I’m not limited to one part of the body. Each day brings many levels of complexity in different imaging modalities. Diagnostic Radiology satisfies both: a constant need for deep intellectual work, and the collaboration with other specialties to achieve the best patient care.

Q: Are there new technologies you are using now or see on the horizon that you find especially fascinating or exciting?

I’m fascinated by the advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field. My son is currently an undergraduate researcher in the Computer Vision and Medical Imaging Lab at University of Florida. His faculty sponsor could not stop laughing after finding out that his dad was a radiologist, as the long-term goal of their work is to be able to replace the humans with AI. While AI can help with diagnosis and basic clinical tasks, I don’t think it will make the radiologist obsolete yet, at least not in my lifetime. Well, let’s hope not, because I love my job.

For more information on Dr. Cortes, please see his profile here.