Wading Through the Internet’s Questionable “Medical Resources”

If you need a routine screening or diagnostic test, it can be a natural impulse to look up the procedure on the Internet to find out more about what to expect, both from and during the exam. We encourage being educated about your own healthcare, but it is important to be mindful of who is dispensing the information, what qualifies the resource to offer the information, and what motives may be influencing the resource to either promote or disclaim a test, technology or procedure. Just as the Internet inspired many people to begin an unwarranted war on vaccinations, it can lead people to avoid necessary medical testing or seek out unneeded medical procedures.

Fact or Fake?

“We don’t want people to be subject to mis- or disinformation regarding their medical testing,” says Dr. Ralf Barckhausen, a subspecialist in diagnostic radiology. “When looking for answers regarding what tests you may need and which may simply be a waste of time and money, or even pose a health hazard, we encourage people to rely on qualified, validated resources, such as those on RAO’s website. Our News and Views blog and links to established and respected industry providers, including RadiologyInfo.org and ACR.org, deliver correct and current information about radiologic screening and diagnostic testing composed and reviewed by doctors and other professionals whose livelihoods depend on accuracy, best practices and quality patient care.”

RAO remains committed to helping you remain educated and informed, so visit our Resources page often for the latest radiologic news and developments as they occur.