Technology Vs. Experience – Which Matters More With Your MRI?


Magnetic resonance imaging, commonly called MRI, is a radiation-free scan used to capture highly detailed pictures of internal structures, including the brain, bones, joints and soft tissues. Tremendous advances in MRI technology have increased the detail of this scan’s imaging capabilities and reduced the time required to take the test, making the experience superior for both patients and diagnosing physicians.

RAO’s high-field MRI offers remarkable detail, without exposure to ionizing radiation. But what ultimately matters more than MRI technology is the experience and training of the radiologist interpreting its images. A truly experienced radiologist can distinguish an imaging artifact from an anatomical fact. After all, it is the radiologist with the expertise to know what to look for who can offer the safest, most accurate diagnosis.

RAO demands more than the best in MRI technology. Our Board-certified, fellowship-trained radiology team subspecializes in key practices, including MRI, for ultimate precision, accuracy and peace of mind.